Matpat VS KinitoPet In this fun shooter game you play as MatPat shooting down the evil KinitoPet AI. This game is inspired by MatPat’s theory video about the KinitoPet ARG. Drag MatPat with your cursor to shoot down the evil KinitoPet! Matpat VS KinitoPet.html HTML document [3.8 MB]
Alex Bale VS the EVIL SPACE COW!!!! A simple shoot-em-up where you play as THE EVIL MUTANT COW, fighting YouTuber Alex Bale. This game is inspired by Alex Bale’s ARG Happy Meat Farms. MOOve the cow with your cursor to shoot the onslaught of Alex Bales. Alex Bale VS the Evil Space Cow.html HTML document [2.3 MB]
Jeff the Killer VS SCP-173 In this game you play as internet horror icon, Jeff the Killer. You must dodge oncoming SCP-173 and rack up points! Press the A and D keys to move left and right. Think you have what it takes? Jeff the Killer VS SCP-173.html HTML document [2.3 MB]
Shadow Runners In this infinite runner game you play as Shadow the Hedgehog dodging G.U.N. crates. This games need pixel perfect jumps. Click your mouse to make Shadow jump. Shadow Runners.html HTML document [2.3 MB]
Retro Obama Screensaver This “game” is an imitation 1990s screensaver starring former US President Barack Obama. Retro Obama Screensaver.html HTML document [2.3 MB]
Matt Rose VS the Evil Micheal Cheese This game is based on a really obscure weird meme called “Micheal Cheese”. Use your cursor to move Matt Rose to shoot down the evil Micheal Cheese! Micheal Cheese and the Evil Matt Rose 2.[...] HTML document [3.6 MB]
Meat Sack Randy In this game you play as Meat Sack Randy dodging the Evil Steaks. Use the A and D keys to move Randy back and forth. Meat Sack Randy 2.html HTML document [2.6 MB]
Ian Flynn VS Ken Penders In this game you play as IDW Sonic Comic writer Ian Flynn trying to shoot down the evil Archie Sonic Comic writer Ken Penders. Use your cursor to move Ian Flynn to shot down the evil Ken Penders! Ian Flynn VS Ken Penders.html HTML document [2.4 MB]